It Comes Full Circle

Sunday started off shitty. See the post Hate in the Height for the gorry details.

All stories should have a happy ending and this one did.

One of the reasons I’m doing this social experiment is that I firmly believe that people should do what makes them happy. And playing drums always does. I love it.

So, to be all bummed out after I got shut down in the Height, I drove around to find a new spot. Every place I looked was a problem. Parking was bad, it was already taken by some other performer. I felt I was driving around in circles. So, I decided to just find a spot in a park and just play by myself, to cheer myself up by doing what I love.

So, I’m driving through the park and I heard drums to my window! A drum circle!

So I pull over and scoped out the scene, which was not much of a scene. 7 guys who have obviously had a rough life sitting around on a park bench slapping away at their congas and makeshift percussion “instruments”

So, I grab a kick, snare, hat and sit down. I started laying down a simple funk groove.

Long story short, within 20 minutes there were about 60 people crowded around, dancing and videotaping and nodding their heads.

My faith in the simple power of rhythm proved to be well placed. I was healed.

Too many other lessons to document in a single post.

I learned by doing.

It was amazing

Author: Ian

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